The Assembly of Delegates (AOD) is a coll
aborative body of active professional AMTA members, made up of 1-2 elected representative(s) of each of the 51 existing AMTA Chapters. The purpose is to help shape the way our industry is viewed locally and nationally. We do this by proposing ideas for position statements that are used for education and marketing to the public, legislators and other stakeholders.

A Delegate is a member who is elected to represent the concerns of Chapter members to the Chapter BOD or National BOD, and is tasked with preparing a PIPS(Proposed Idea for Position Statement) if members so wish. A Delegate also reports to members about actions of the AOD. This year the AOD was tasked with discussion topics that explored ways to reset the function of the AOD, as it relates to member outreach and advocacy on behalf of our members.
The experience of being a volunteer provides leadership training opportunities that can be used in our professional and business roles, and that may enrich our professional and sometimes personal endeavors
If you have an idea for a proposed position statement or if you would like to join us as a volunteer, please reach out to us at